Well hello, I am Kristen Lowe.

I’m an artist, designer, crafter, and creator enjoying life in beautiful Austin, Texas. I moved here by way of Chicago without a job or a plan, and have made a pretty great life for myself. I have been a creative person for as long as I can remember, and have always found myself fascinated by anything that encourages you to express yourself. I am obsessed with teaching myself new things (hey, if someone else can master it, why can’t I, right?), so I tend to dabble in a lot of interesting side projects. I thrive on organizing chaos into visual harmony, whether that be on paper or in a closet, and I think I might have my love for puzzles to thank for that. In a professional setting, I am best known for my craftsmanship, clean designs and strategy which I inject into everything I do.

I graduated with a BFA in graphic design from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and am so thankful that our curriculum focused on how to strategize and think conceptually. These skills have allowed me to push boundaries and take risks, and are a primary reason why my favorite aspect of a project is the process. I have worked on both the client and agency side, and understand the struggles and advantages of both ends of the spectrum. My ample experience allows me to adapt well to most types of subject matter, so I am always down for a new challenge.

When I am not focused on work, I am most likely spending time with my husband, our son, and our puppies, Butter and Toast. Hanging out in nature gives me life, and I also love making handmade jewelry, acquiring new plant babies, camping under the stars, and going on random adventures in this city and beyond. I am also quite fond of espresso, natural stones, amazing questions, philosophical conversations, and negative space/the color white. Some of my future personal goals include growing our family and writing a children’s book. I can be quite the storyteller, so if there is anything you want to know, just ask! :)

Why the name? Well, tangelos are just the most magical fruit. A inexplicable mix of a tangerine and a pomelo, this rare produce is unique, refreshing, and tangy. Add the fact that my last name is ‘Lowe,’ and together you have some fresh-squeezed creative that will leave you wanting more!

Keep up with my personal projects:
